Thursday, January 24th, 2013
BY JEFF FALK Regrets are a great way to take stock of the level of success in a career. When your biggest regret is wishing you had had a better showing at the Olympics, well it’s a good indication you had a pretty good career. Amy Tran-Swensen recently called it a career, one with very
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013
BY JEFF FALK Some would look at it like the body is a gift from God, and because it is, it’s perfect and can’t be improved upon. Others might take the approach that the body is a...
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013
BY JEFF FALK Maddie Good isn’t particularly concerned with being the best female basketball player in Lebanon County. What matters to Good is becoming the best soccer player she possibly can be. That’s right, Lebanon County’s finest...