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Monday, October 26th, 2020

Gwyneth Young’s a Living, Breathing, Flawed Human Being

BY JEFF FALK From the outside looking in, Gwyneth Young has got it altogether, she’s got it going on. She’s bright, respectful, athletic and social. But one should be careful when judging a book by its cover, because looks can be deceiving. It’s not that Young isn’t all of the above, it’s just that getting

Friday, October 16th, 2020

Think It’s Hard Being a First-Year Head Coach, Try it During a Pandemic

BY JEFF FALK  Because of the ever-changing challenges related to dealing with adolescents, coaching requires adaptability, compassion and creativity.  For first-year coaches, the importance placed on those three skills increases exponentially. Now try to imagine the challenges...

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

At Camp Swatara, Local Disc Golf Continues to Flow

BY JEFF FALK BETHEL – Not sure if they’re meeting a need or creating one. But they certainly are taking an active role in the proliferation process. Mike Dunkle and Charlie Greco really don’t care. They just...

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