Lebanon Sports Buzz
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Wednesday, March 31st, 2021

Sports Helped Nurture the Intestinal Fortitude Ernie Groff Needed to Turn His Life Around

BY JEFF FALK Photos Submitted We all have demons. And we all must face our demons. How we choose to deal with those demons helps determine the direction our lives will take. Ernie Groff dealt with his demons through drugs and alcohol and partying, so much so that they became his new demons. But they

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

Backed by Strong Competitive Resume, Chris Gebhard Takes Swing at Political Arena

BY JEFF FALK If elections are competitions, Chris Gebhard is well-positioned for what’s ahead. You could even say that Gebhard’s entire competitive career has been leading up to this. But if successful, Gebhard’s life will be forever...

Friday, March 12th, 2021

With ‘Braving Your Adversity’, Rob Bare Has Discovered Way to Help Others and Heal Himself

BY JEFF FALK Photos Submitted The challenges God places before us are directly proportional to our abilities to handle them. If in fact that is true, then God picked a good one in Rob Bare. In true...

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