Wednesday, January 24th, 2018
BY JEFF FALK SOME PHOTOS COURTESY OF PHILADELPHIA EAGLES He engineered the greatest comeback in NFL history. He once authored the greatest comeback in the history of major college football. He’s headed to his sixth Super Bowl, his second as a coach. But winning a Super Bowl would be the greatest accomplishment of Frank Reich’s
Sunday, January 14th, 2018
BY JEFF FALK PHOTOS COURTESY OF LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE Sam Light came to Lebanon Valley College to get an education, play in front of the hometown fans and to win a championship. As he has approached those...
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018
BY JEFF FALK SOUTH LEBANON – A lot are teachers. Many are specifically physical education teachers. But not all local coaches work full-time within the school district in which they are employed. Over the years, salesmen, realtors...