Lebanon Sports Buzz
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Wednesday, September 9th, 2020

Vikings Never Do Anything Halfway

BY JEFF FALK FREDERICKSBURG – From one extreme to the other, it’s been all or nothing for the Northern Lebanon football team lately. No in-betweens. When it comes to winning and success, the Vikings have either been hot, or not. Perhaps what they really need is a little middle ground first, and there’s no better

Tuesday, September 8th, 2020

Grateful for Opportunity, Falcons Aim to Make Most of It

BY JEFF FALK SOUTH LEBANON – Over the last six years, Cedar Crest has changed the climate, the culture of its football program. What the next step involves for the Falcons is becoming stronger physically and being...

Friday, September 4th, 2020

In These Trying Times, Cedars Have Experience to Lean On

BY JEFF FALK LEBANON – A pandemic, social unrest, a looming election. While scholastic sports can provide a certain amount of distraction from the world around us, student-athletes do not live in a bubble. We are embarking...

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