Lebanon Sports Buzz
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Not unlike most teams, the Lebanon boys’ basketball team entered the 2013-14 campaign with some ambiguity surrounding its players’ roles. After the Cedars’ first two games, those roles became a bit more clear.

Senior Jorian Ginnetto’s role for the Cedars appears to be to score, rebound, provide energy and lead. Ginnetto’s job description also seems to involve making plays down the stretch.

On Friday and Saturday, Ginnetto played basketball like it was his job and his workmanlike performance led Lebanon High to the championship of its own tip-off tournament. And for his efforts, Ginnetto was named the most valuable player of the annual event.

Ginnetto was at his best when his side needed him the most – down the stretch. Ginnetto came up with big play after big play, and nailed his free throw attempts, as the Cedars pulled away from Muhlenberg for a 58-48 triumph in the final game of the tournament.

LFCU_Sponsor logoGinnetto finished his evening with 25 points and a boat load of rebounds. A night prior, during the Cedars’ season-opening win over Elco, Ginnetto was also a force inside and collected 11 points.

– Jeff Falk 

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