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Wednesday, July 8th, 2015

Course Records: The Stuff Golf Lore, Legend are Made of

BY JEFF FALK So what happens when a very good golfer gets on a roll, catches fire and then his stars align? He goes low, a course yields to his will and history is made. I think what intrigues us so much about the concept of golf course records is that it flies in the

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

Popularity of Slow-Pitch, Heisey’s Field Indelibly Linked

BY JEFF FALK The tragic death of fast-pitch softball, at one time one of Lebanon County’s greatest summer time activities, has been well documented. And recently the struggles of local legion baseball – not to mention teener-aged...

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Local Legion League Runs – Hits, Throws, Fields – on Seeds

BY JEFF FALK They have become as much a part of the game as uniforms, bats and gloves. They’re also an oral fixation, a pastime within America’s Pastime and a healthy alternative. And they’re delicious. They’re sunflower...

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