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13 years ago
Lebanon Catholic Transforms Young Lives (Daily News Edition)


 God is all around us. He is everywhere. But His presence is stronger in some places than it is in others.

And the stronger God’s presence, the greater His ability to affect lives.

Lebanon Catholic School has been changing young lives for over a century. It’s what it does.

“My life has changed a lot,” said Anthony Pletz, a Lebanon Catholic senior from Lebanon. “It made me open my eyes to the fact that you don’t always get what you want, and what is expected of you in the real world. It finally made me realize it’s not all about getting what you want.”

“I think spirituality is very important,” said Brandon Noland, a ninth-grader who lives in north Lebanon. “Every time I pray, it always seems like it helps. I’ve gotten into the habit of praying every day.”

What Pletz and Noland  have in common with other Lebanon Catholic students like Maddi Reigle, Mike Marakowsk and Hayley Witmer is that they’ve all transferred to Assumption Hill from other local schools. Their reasons for transferring to LCS are as unique as their personalities.

No one’s path through this world is the same. But everyone’s journey can be enriched through a Lebanon Catholic education.

“It was my decision to come here, because I wasn’t doing well at Cedar Crest,” said Reigle, a ninth-grader who’s in her second year of attending LCS. “Some of the kids were making fun of me there, and I decided it was too much, so I came here. All the way up until the seventh grade, I was getting straight ‘A’s, but that last year they sunk to ‘C’s, just because of the stress from other kids and the bullying, and just worrying about that.”

Located on Chestnut Street in Lebanon, Lebanon Catholic School features an enrollment of 340 students, ranging from Pre-kindergarten through high school. Approximately ten percent of LCS’s student population are recent transfers – a number which is on the rise.

But not only can a Lebanon Catholic education be a spiritual awakening, it can also be an educational enlightenment, an emotional enrichment and a physical strengthening.

“I’m more happy now,” said Hayley Witmer, a resident of Denver who came to LCS from Elco. “I have much more positive energy. The students, the administration, the staff have really been helpful. I like sharing the religious part of my life with my peers. I wouldn’t have changed my decision for anything. I’m happy here.”

Lebanon Catholic’s affordable tuition can be looked at as an investment. Many LCS graduates who go on to college get that money back many times over, in the form of grants, aid and scholarships.

“My grades were not terrible (at Cedar Crest), said Marakowski, a senior from North Cornwall,” but I wanted to bring them up, and they have gotten better. I probably have a better chance of getting jobs, just because I go here. Employers are going to look at a private school education as being better than a public school education. And the same is true with colleges.”

For more information dial: 273-3731 or email lkostow@lebanoncatholicschool.org. To read the rest of the story go to www.lebanoncatholicschool.org.




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