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Saturday, June 12th, 2021

– Week Ending June 12

Dakota Smith was on a roll, he was in a groove, he was in a zone. And as Smith went, so went the Elco baseball team. The key to the Raiders’ success this spring was their balance, their flexibility and their depth. But if there was one player who was Elco’s most valuable, it was

Thursday, June 10th, 2021

For Raiders, One Bad Ending Does Not a Season Make

BY JEFF FALK CENTER VALLEY – Not sure the better team won. But Elco was not the better team on this day. That’s the thing with runs, momentum and streaks. They must be built and nurtured and...

Tuesday, June 8th, 2021

Raiders Have Got Their Playoff Grind On

BY JEFF FALK FREDERICKSBURG – In no other sport is grinding as much of a thing as it is in baseball. In baseball, grinding means muscle memory, repetition and consistency. Now, some might say that grinding is...

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