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Saturday, February 2nd, 2019

Elco’s Goals Come into Plain Sight

 BY JEFF FALK  FREDERICKSBURG – The Elco boys’ basketball team isn’t all that concerned about how it does it. The Raiders simply want to get there.  Right now, it’s more about the destination than the journey for Elco.  On Satruday afternoon, duringthe nightcap of a girls’-boys’ doubleheader, the Raiders took another important step towards the

Saturday, February 2nd, 2019

Raiders’ Playoff Stock Sky-Rockets, Vikings’ Holds Steady

 BY JEFF FALK  FREDERICKSBURG – The Elco and Northern Lebanon girls’ basketball teams are friendly rivals. Currently, the Vikings are scratching and clawing to prolong their season into the playoffs.  But please excuse the Raiders if they...

Saturday, February 2nd, 2019

– Week Ending February 2nd

 Stoic, focused and all business, Bryce Coletti doesn’t say a lot when he’s on the basketball floor. He’s too concerned about the task at hand.  But he does allow his play to speak for him.  This week,...

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