Lebanon Sports Buzz
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12 years ago
WQIC Talks the Talk, Walks the Walk


Wanting to make your community a better place to live is one thing. But putting those beliefs into practice is another.

Not only does WQIC 100.1 FM understand the importance of scholastic sports in our community, the local radio station has put its morals where its mouth is.

For the past year or so, as part of the advertising portion of its programming, WQIC 100.1 FM has run a public service announcement touting the importance of high school sports as part of the overall educational experience. The 30-second spot is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association and the Pennsylvania State Athletic Directors’ Association.

“WQIC has been heavily involved in local high school sports for decades here in the Lebanon Valley,” said Steve Davies, the program director at the local station. “The message of this PSA is a natural for our listeners.

“Plus, as a father of two children who played multiple sports at Cedar Crest, and then went on to play in college, during that time in my life, I really came to appreciate the time, effort, and skill that came to the forefront on game day,” Davies added.

The PSA states, quite accurately, that student-athletes are more likely to be higher achievers in their academic endeavors. Sports also teaches first-hand the concepts of leadership, team work, preparation and hard work.

“The kids in high school are no less passionate about their respective sports than the athletes you see on TV,” said Davies. “In fact, I would argue that many times the high school athletes are more passionate. Of course, most high school athletes will never get to play in college, or in the pros, but I personally have come to enjoy the games just as much as a professional game…in most cases, even more so.

“It is my hope that if a few people hear this PSA, they decide to take in a few high school events,” continued Davies, “and learn to appreciate the games as well.”

Part of Davies’ duties as program director at WQIC involves which and how often public service announcements will air.

“The station is not required by the FCC to run public service announcements,” said Davies. “However, all stations are required to serve the public interest. This is one small way we can do that. We probably rotate 50 different PSAs at any given time.”



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